Prayer for Covid Pandemic and Oneness

Prayer for Covid Pandemic and Oneness
August 15, 2021 pranichealingphilippines

by Master Faith Sawey

In the spirit of Divine Oneness, let us visualize a tremendous down-pour of divine energy passing through us as we all pray with deep faith and trust in God.

Let’s raise our hands in a blessing position:

To the Supreme God, thank you for your DIVINE HEALING LOVE to alleviate the pains and sufferings of all Covid patients and all who are suffering from depression and spiritual emptiness.

May all medical doctors, medical procedures, apparatuses, medicines and all hospitals, homes, families and all MCKS Pranic Healers be blessed with compassionate purifying light and soothing healing energy to transform the deadening effect of fear to strengthening power of faith and explosion of depression to SOUL EVOLUTION.

May the ANGEL of COMPASSION transform Covid pandemic to WHOLESOMENESS as a WAY of LIFE. With thanks and in full faith, so be it.

May GOD’S GUIDING LIGHT embrace all lovingly and patiently serving Front Liners: Medical Health Workers, Care Givers,
Security Police Force and MCKS – Pranic Healers to radiate God’s Compassionate purifying light to all the sick, Co Workers and families and be all shielded with God’s Divine radiance to be freed from any harm and danger as they risk their lives to save lives and uplift souls.

May God’s Angel of protection guides humanity’s clear direction with proper action to transform suffering to an offering for
INNER PURIFICATIONS, with thanks and in full faith, so be it.

May GOD’S TRANSFORMATIVE POWER enlighten and inspire wholesome scientists and drug manufacturers worldwide, to build spiritualized medical drug laboratories to manufacture medicines and vaccines with 100 % efficacy and safety to be carried and distributed by licensed Medical Drug Companies with goodwill to do good and goodwill to serve complemented by MCKS Pranic Healing Spiritual Technology to complete the transmutation and eradication of Covid pandemic with finality.

May God’s Divine intervention inspires Humanity’s Inner transformation from severe materialism to spiritualized materialism to rise to a NEW NORMAL where WHOLENESS & INTEGRITY be our living light, with thanks and in full faith, so be it.

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